Dynamic Doors
In 2003 the Lexington, Kentucky Arts and Cultural Council produced a public art project called Dynamic Doors
in which artists transformed the salvaged doors of an old housing project into works of art. 120 designs were selected by a jury and provided with a sponsor. Below is a shot of Damon with his completed door, before it was installed inside Victorian Square in downtown Lexington. Farmer's door was one of 30 selected to be auctioned live in Lexington's Victorian Square on January, 2004.

His goal for this project was to create a piece that utilized some aspect of the door. That is, a design that necessarily needed the door as the basic element, instead of just treating the door as a painting surface. He focused on the peephole and decided to make the door into the ultimate super-mega-peephole. An interactive device that not only permited a peek into infinity, but also had an audio aspect. Those cylinders and pipes on each side of the eyepiece amplify and alter ambient sounds in the same way that a seashell does. The result is that when your head is in the viewing position, you are hearing a sort of 'music of the sheres'. A cosmic sound effect to accompany the view into 'deepest space'. It's called Infinity Peeker Note that there's a little fold down step at the bottom, so kids can reach the peephole.
Visit the
Dynamic Doors website for more information on the project and a map to all the doors.
This is a costume Farmer has been refining for many years, The weaponry is all props, being made from everything from a christmas tree stand and car floor mats to old motorcycle parts and even an electric peeler. The costume does have working parts though. Lights, sound effects and a Darth Vader style breathing effect. Although originally a Halloween costume, it's appeared in several TV spots, and
"I've often been told that it's extremely intimidating, but I've only seen it from the inside out, so I can't say."-Damon

These moonsuits were originally made (with assistance from seamstress Ginger Cornett) to be used in a fashion show presentation. In this photo they are being used in a special 'Weather From The Moon' segment of an actual TV weather report. The 'Lunar Forecast ' was part of the grand opening festivities for a children's museum.

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